Dive into the Next Generation
Anime Gaming Platform
From a team of anime and gaming enthusiast, our mission is to bring together anime lovers, gamers and any collectible fans across the world in one place where they can discover, play and share their enthusiasm for the latest anime game releases.
We connect anime enthusiasts across the world to the latest and hottest anime games, and enable true ownership of assets and collectibles through the integration of blockchain technology.
Traditional games with advanced gameplay can now easily transform into blockchain-based games. Allowing gamers to enjoy superb gameplay experience while being rewarded with asset ownership that belongs to them instead of the platform or developer.
+ Easy Login Use your social network accounts or Emails to login!
+ 轻松登陆 使用你的社交网络账户或电子邮件登录!
+ Decentralized Wallet Decentralized Wallet, the only wallet you need to play all the games in the UMIVERSE, earn, transfer, stake all in one wallet.
+ 去中心化钱包 只需要用一个唯一的去中心化钱包,就可以玩UMIVERSE中的所有游戏以及赚取,转账、投注。
+ Marketplace Trade, Buy, Sell and Lease your NFT Items!
+ 商城 交易、购买、出售和租赁您的NFT物品!
+ Royalty Revenue We insure that Developers receive a royalty everytime your digital asset is re-sold on the Umiverse marketplace.
+ 版税收入 我们确保开发者在您的数字资产在Umiverse市场上重新销售时都能获得一笔版税。
+ Quick Convert SDK quickly convert your developed games into crypto games by using our proprietary quick-convert SDK,get your game onto the UMIVERSE without the hassle of your own tokenomics management.
+ 快速转换SDK 通过使用我们专有的快速转换SDK,快速将您开发的游戏转换为加密游戏并进入UMIVERSE,从而不需要进行麻烦的tokenomics管理。
+ Payment Processes Get paid a monthly revenue share in FIAT or USDC, USDT equivalent.
+ 支付流程 每月通过FIAT、USDT、USDC或等价物获得收入分成。
- Launch Website (Completed)
- Developer Console Development start (On Going)
- Partnerships (On Going)
- 发布网站
- 开始研发开发者控制台
- 合作关系
- Platform infrastructure development start (On Going)
- Partnerships (On Going)
- 开始研发平台基础设施
- 合作关系
- Platform Front-end Development start (On Going)
- Partnerships (On Going)
- 平台前端界面搭建
- 合作关系
- MVP Completion (Completed)
- Developer integration Testing (Completed)
- Community Start (Completed)
- MVP版本完成
- 开发者集成测试
- 建立社区
- Closed BETA Planning Start (Completed)
- 1st Title, Fahad Kingdom on boared (Completed)
- Beta 版本上线
- 1~3款游戏合作
- 社区奖励
- Closed BETA 1 "Maiden Voyage" Start (Completed)
- Fahad Kingdom Launch (Completed)
- Pipeline games up to 3 titles (Pending 1 title)
- 产品上线
- 至少5款可玩游戏
- Closed BETA 2 "Expedition Voyage" Start (Pending)
- Wallet System, Venly.io integration (Completed)
- Wallet Trade Function System Completed (Pending)
- Dive Point purchasable in-game items added to Market Place for Fahad Kingdom (Pending)
- Partnership Announcements (Pending)
- Announce NFT Dive Engine system (Pending)
- Closed BETA 3 "Deep Sea Voyage" Start (Pending)
- DEX Listing for UMI/USDT Pool(TBC)
- Referral Marketing Campaign for Airdrop (Pending)
- Airdrop $UMI Token (at 1,000 Active Daily Players) (TBC)
- NFT Dive Engine implemented (TBC)
- Pre-Sale for Fahad Kingdom in-game NFT with Dive Point Bonuses (TBC)
- Second Game "Star Symphony" integration (TBC)
- $UMI Token Listing on CEX (TBC)
- Third, Fourth and Fifth game to integrate (TBC)
- Staking Program announcement (TBC)
- 至少20款可玩游戏
Saymun is a Successful Entrepreneur specializing in building and managing cash-flow focused businesses from ground up to million $ revenue generating companies.
Saymun targets projects that focus on taking advantages of market gaps.
Saymun’s business acumen for growth, strategy and blue-ocean opportunities is the key driver for our project. Saymun also sits on the board of UZNEX (Uzebekistan's first government backed cryptocurrency exchange) as their global business advisor.
Saymun 对增长、战略和蓝海机遇的商业敏锐度是我们项目的关键驱动力。 Saymun 还担任 UZNEX(乌兹别克斯坦第一家政府支持的加密货币交易所)的董事会成员,担任其全球业务顾问。
Other Positions: Kokonats eSports, CEO - casual game eSports platform. Garden Bay Capital, Director – private fund for boutique project investments based in the Cayman Islands.
其他职位: Kokonats eSports,CEO - 休闲游戏电子竞技平台。 Garden Bay Capital,董事 - 位于开曼群岛的精品项目投资私人基金。
Favourite Game: Final Fantasy VII
Based in Tokyo, Cliff has led numerous game projects co-developing with world-class Japanese companies such as The Pokémon Company, Mixi and LINE, delivering games to millions of players. Duo is the head of corporate strategy at gcTurbo. Previously, he was in charge of game partnership and investment in Japan at Bytedance.
Cliff started his career in finance prior to gaming. He worked at the investment banking division of Citigroup covering Japan’s chemicals and industrial market; he also managed investment assets of $100m across the globe at a single family office.
Cliff主导过多个与日本知名厂商联合开发的游戏项目,产品获得了数百万玩家的喜爱。主要合作厂商包括The Pokémon Company、Mixi、LINE等。Duo是gcTurbo公司的战略负责人。此前,Cliff还曾在字节跳动负责日本的游戏商务和投资业务。
Favourite Game: Mario Kart
最喜欢的游戏:Mario Kart
Software architect, has been engaged in the development of exchanges and blockchain-related products since 2014, and has 8 years of blockchain-related experience. Has rich project experience, representing products Crossverse NFT, JPYX stable currency, ICICB chain, etc.
Currently focusing on the research and development and promotion of smart contracts, public chains, NFT and other related technologies and products.
软件架构师,从2014年开始从事交易所及区块链相关产品开发,有8年区块链相关经验。拥有丰富的项目经验,代表产品Crossverse NFT、JPYX 稳定币、ICICB chain等等。
Tech Experience
- ICICB blockchain ecosystem. Atari's game public chain.
- CROSSVERSE offers enterprises a seamless, scalable transition to web 3.0 capabilities and services
- ICICB blockchain ecosystem. Atari 旗下游戏公链。
- CROSSVERSE 企业提供Web3及相关可扩展服务
Favourite Game: Call of duty 14
Nanako is a Tokyo-based influencer whom was runner up on Japan’s “Bachelor Season 2.” She is currently the Japanese marketing manager for E-sports platform, Koko.
Nanako is in avid gamer with her favorite title being the Resident Evil (Bio Hazard) series.
Nanako has a wealth of experience operating and managing social media accounts through her own account and online store, Heartbeat and is the community and marketing manager for UMI's Japanese based community.
小口那奈子是一位住在东京的有影响力的人,曾在日本的“单身汉第2季”中获得亚军。 她目前是电子竞技平台Koko的日本市场部经理。
Favourite Game: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)
Project strategy planning, full-time engagement in on-chain application development since Q2 2020, deeply involved in the creation and promotion of various types of projects such as DEFI, NFT, WEB3. From experienced players to crypto ecosystem builders, committed to introducing more people to web3. Project experience includes YAM (Community Building), FORJ (formerly BONDLY, Strategy and BD Lead), SORA (Project Ambassador, Community Builder), XEN (Advisor), UMIVERSE gamefi (Strategy Advisor).
项目策略规划,自2020年Q2开始全职深耕链上应用的发展,曾深度参与DEFI,NFT,WEB3等不同类型的项目的创始与宣发,从资深玩家到加密生态建设者,致力于让更多人了解并参与到web3中。项目经验 YAM(社区建设) FORJ(原BONDLY,项目策略及BD负责人) SORA(项目大使,,社区建设者) XEN(advisor) UMIVERSE gamefi(策略advisor)
Favourite Game: Call of Duty 14
Country : Arab Region
● Crypto or web3 domain experience :
-Worked before with big platforms BitMart : Responsible for submitting projects for listing
-CoinEx : Marketed in the Arab world for the platform
-BingX : Arab ambassador for the platform.
● Another projects:
puzzle : Suggesting ideas for staking pools to attract investors
senso : Responsible for introducing the field of metavers and explaining in simple ways to the Arab world in an easy way
RFP: Worked with Development Team, Idea Creators, stake to Earn
-TOP3 BNB Chain 2022 Gamefi project Era7 Game of Truth : Arab Ambassador for the project, i get Top1
Community Leader on 2022 here is review from BNB Chain :
has core regional promotion resources and rich experience in regional operation and promotion,and he also has the trust and popularity of many users in the Arab region
● How many years in the web3/crypto business:
-7 years working in Crypto and Web2 , Web3 business..
-14 years working in marketing with Adidas, Nike companies Official agent of the two companies in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan
- Tournament organizer with E-Sports for Teken , Fifa ..etc on Bahrin & Abu Dhabi .
With a fanbase of almost 30 million subscribers, Wengie is a Lifestyle, Musical and Gaming star in a league of her own.
拥有近 3000 万订阅者的粉丝群,Wengie是她自己的联盟中的生活方式、音乐和游戏明星。
As one of the world's most successful and influential online stars, Wengie’s career has spanned multiple genres and personas. As a business leader she is now the co-founder of Nyan Heroes, a blockchain based game studio title that will bring AAA quality gaming to the Solana Blockchain and is innovating the way gaming economies are run. The NFT drop debuted as the top project on Solanart and is currently one of the top 5 gaming projects on Solana by Market Cap. Nyan Heroes mission is to save a billion cats and 250k was donated already towards this cause.
作为世界上最成功和最有影响力的网络明星之一,Wengie 的职业生涯跨越了多个流派和角色。 作为一名商业领袖,她现在是 Nyan Heroes 的联合创始人,这是一个基于区块链的游戏工作室,将为 Solana 区块链带来 AAA 级质量的游戏,并正在创新游戏经济的运行方式。 NFT drop 作为 Solana 上的顶级项目首次亮相,目前是 Solana 上市值排名前 5 的游戏项目之一。 Nyan Heroes的使命是拯救10亿只猫,并且已经为这项事业捐赠了250k。
Favorite Game: League of Legends
最喜欢的游戏:The Sims 4
20 years in IT sphere. From development to to project and product management.
In crypto starting from 2018.
Led development of Waves blockchain protocol.
Currently leading swop.fi - the first AMM DEX on Waves.
IT领域20年。 从开发到项目和产品管理。
从 2018 年开始使用加密货币。
领导 Waves 区块链协议的开发。
目前领先 swop.fi - Waves 上的第一个 AMM DEX。
James is a validated crypto expert with a focus on the Japanese and Greater Chinese crypto markets. Accumulated extensive experience in both marketing and venture capital investment. Previously Cofounder and CMO of a renown Gamefi project.
James 是一位值得信赖的加密专家,专注于日本和大中华地区的加密市场。 在营销和风险投资方面积累了丰富的经验。 曾是著名 Gamefi 项目的联合创始人兼首席营销官。
Favorite Game: Need for Speed
Luin Aozora is a Play and Earn Content Creator, Influencer and Advisor for Web3.0 Games in Japan.
Luin is the founder of "NFT Gamer Japan", one of the largest Web3.0 game player communities in Japan, and an advisor to the Web3.0 gaming guild "GuildQB" and partnerships with YGG Japan and more.
Despite being a traditional game player, he has wide knowledge of top-class Web3.0 games and abroad in Japan, and has a deep understanding and familiarity with the Web 3.0 community from both the player and developer perspectives.
Luin Aozora 是日本 Web3.0 游戏的内容创作者、影响者和顾问。
Luin 是日本最大的 Web3.0 游戏玩家社区之一“NFT Gamer Japan”的创始人,也是 Web3.0 游戏公会“GuildQB”的顾问以及与 YGG Japan 等的合作伙伴。
尽管是传统游戏玩家,但他对日本国内外顶级的Web3.0游戏有着广泛的了解,从玩家和开发者的角度对Web 3.0社区有着深刻的理解和熟悉。
Favourite Game: Suikoden II